Venue: The Room With a View
12th floor, No. 479 Nanjing Rd (E), Shanghai, China
For Andres Guibert, this new venture is a diving into spaces that are being re-signified in their meaning while been subjectified for those who - to a certain degree - interact with them. This body of work reflect upon a modality of presence of the work of art and the conditions and conditionings that affects the transactions regarding the individual and his cultural environment, the phenomenological world and its political representations. This show reflects upon the pictorial space and its emblematic value as it is been subjectified by the memories of a fictitious wedding memory album. The canvasses of Andreas Guibert - rich in color and charged with irony can be interpreted as well in relation with the neo-baroque representations and it figural spaces and displacements. Is in the elaboration of scenes that interact with the phenomenological space of the real, that the image act as a labyrinth in which the viewer, the eye and the gaze that reflects the surroundings, search for a trajectory towards the object of desire that is projected by the pictorical emblematizations. A travesia (voyage, crossing) and travesty that questions the relation between the phenomenological instance of being present, the identity of desire and the desire for identity.

This body of work reflects upon the modalities of being and presence in the crystallization of the artwork and on such terms and conditions that affect individual transactions and displacement manifest in the work as a cultural agent. It can be interpret in turn - in relation to the politics of the neo-Baroque movement with its figural displacements and emblematic spaces. It is in these scenarios - which interact and modify the phenomenological space of the real, that the performance must be interpreted granting to it a spatial dimension within magical realism.

andreas guibert
artist/cultural agent