For the past twelve years, my artistic practice had been reflecting upon identity and identity formation through Tableau vivant -misse en scenes, or the construction of virtual subjects and personalities- misse en abyss torture and power structures. These different subject matters act in my work as strategies and as recourse for analyzing the relationship between the phenomenological instance of seeing and being present. They became my “theater of representation” and grant me a platform for the presentation of a space from which I derive meaning that echoes theoretical issues based on ideas written by Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger and Derrida; ideas through which I had investigated
a. the way in which a perceived object or a series of events present themselves through sensory qualities and become influenced by the emotional aspects of the dialectical relationship between subject and environment. See Rerum naturae (1991), Corpus Philosoforum (1992).
b. the communal space in which “the shaping of space” emerges as a result of an act of imagination that affects the objectification of self and the subjectification of the environment. See No skeletons in my closet (1998).
- Rehearsal (1999), using Virtuality as the threshold in the resurgence of a neo-baroque aesthetic of visualization and its crystallization in emerging interactive environments, virtual tableau vivant and new media projects.
- Suicide for Artists (1997)
- Subject/Ophelia (1997).
d. Sensor oriented installations that investigate behavior in communal spaces and are activated by punishment/reward dialectics
- Ivory Towers (1999).
e. Game oriented installations that target group behavior
- Confessions of an Innocent Bystander (2002) that refers to the dirty war in Argentina (1972-1983). In it terrorism, torture and disappearance, affects the viewer/ participant/citizen and the readings of the city. A new media installation that deals with the adoption of a new citizenship and its adaptation processes.(trauma, psychological states and spaces for healing and catharsis).

andreas guibert
artist/cultural agent