The aim of this research project is to analyze through AAA’s extensive collection, artistic interactions between individuals and the symbolic network they have created to conform a constellation of texts, concepts and artworks influencing further their sense of collective and individual identities which will shape and question inter-subjective shared meanings in the geopolitical cultural context of contemporary China. Gathered in conjunction with AAA’s multi-year research project ‘Materials of the Future: Documenting Contemporary Chinese Art from 1980-1990’, this material accounts for the relationship that exists between texts and cultural products regarded as "the forces for the development of Chinese experimental art since the 1980s " and The emergence of performance and installation art and the processes of its creation.
The emergence of performance and Installation art
The phenomenology of the gaze and its inscription in a dialectic of gaze and desire and its correlation with Virtuality. (Forbidden senses? Sensuality in contemporary Chinese art. Fen - Ma Liuming. PUEL Caroline)

1. The redemption of vision as a cultural heritage practice. (Chinese art theorists and critics: Gao Minglu, He Guiyan, Gao Xingjian, Li Xianting, David Clarke.)
the gaze as cultural memory
Gao Minglu, He Guiyan, Gao Xingjian,​
Li Xianting, David Clarke.​.
trace - absence - scar
mapping topologies in chinese contemporary art

andreas guibert
artist/cultural agent